Catch up with Steph P Paints

In Conversation with Steph- 

I first discovered Steph’s artworks on Instagram earlier this year, and my sister said- ‘I know that girl’ – small world! I was initially attracted to her free form designs & gorgeous colour combinations and have followed her creative journey since.

Steph a graphic designer, hobby artist and creative, searching for peace and flow. Her works are mesmerising; using various ink mediums creates lovely bleeding works that transport you to different places. In January 2019, she started her Instagram page- @steph.p.paints- as a chance to really focus on art and painting. On one of her Instagram pots she confesses- ‘My guilty pleasure is having a totally messy studio. I love having paint everywhere and artwork all around me - as long as there is space for me to create new work, I'm happy’. I love this! Enjoy our conversation with Steph. 

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I'm a self-taught artist and creative with a background in Graphic Design.  Based in Melbourne, I spend my days working part-time as an in-house graphic designer, while juggling freelance work and painting whenever I can.
I spend my free time with my other half and two doggos, usually walking in the park or running on the beach.

 What artworks do you create?
Abstract landscapes, usually with Alcohol inks and acrylic paint

How and when did you start creating?
I’ve been making things with my hands have loved painting since my earliest memories. I spent long stretches of my school holidays locked in my parents' shed sitting behind a canvas with paint brush in hand. I’ve only started working in my current style in the past year or so.

What are your go to art tools? 
If I’m working with alcohol inks I try to use only simple tools: the inks, the alcohol, and a hot air gun to push the ink around. I use brushes and other tools as little as possible - I want the integrity of the medium to shine through.If I’m working with acrylics I use my fingers a lot, but my favourite tool is a palette knife

How does your artwork make you feel?
Before I paint my process is to practice yoga and wind down as much as possible. Usually I will have classical music playing. I try to get into a state where I am not thinking too much, and let the paint do the work for me

Who, What & where inspires you and your artwork?
Natural landscapes, colours in nature, beautiful music, and beautiful words

Who is your favourite famous artist or creative person?
I don’t have one favourite person, but some creative works I love are probably photography by Brooke Shaden, words by E.E Cummings, music by Hans Zimmer, and stories by J.R.R Tolkien

Do you have any podcast, tv shows or book recommendations?
I’ll always recommend The Lord of the Rings to anyone who will listen. My second recommendation for a book lover would be The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón.

What are some of your go to Instagram accounts?
Fellow fluid artists @fernsiebler,
And graphic desginer/illustrator @cassdellerdesign

What’s your favourite thing to do on the weekend when you have no plans?
Walk my doggos, read, make yummy food

Instagram- steph.p.paints
Facebook- Steph P Paints


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